I’m not sure if I’m more excited about my new wine crate ottoman, or the fact that my studio is clean enough for a photo shoot. I’m embarrassed to admit that it actually took longer to straighten and organize the studio, than it did to put the new ottoman together. Anyway, thank you for stopping by!
The ottoman was constructed much the same way as the wine crate end table that I made last fall. Each crate was attached to its neighbor with 4 screws. Once the four crates were connected, 4 casters were attached with screws to the bottom.
The only obstacle was squaring off two of the sides, because one of the wine crates was larger than the other three. To correct the problem, I added an extra wooden lid between two of the crates which had just enough thickness to even the sides.
Had the ottoman been intended for another room, I would have designed a more sophisticated finish. Instead, I created a white washed finish with watered down white paint that took no time at all. The white washed application still allows the wood grain to show through and pretty wine logos to be highlighted.
One of the many things I love about wine crates are the storage opportunities they provide. Some crates have lids that slide open and some lift off. The type of crates I used in making the ottoman have lids that swing open like a door. I’m in the process of deciding the best way to use the storage.
My childhood rocking chair holds a stack of design books within easy reach. Little chairs are perfect for things like this and don’t take up much room.
This is a great spot to dive into projects or prop my feet up to work on my laptop. Thank you for stopping by to see my latest project.
© 2017 Wine Crate Ottoman was first published on Thistle Key Lane
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