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Easter Surprise

Easter basket

The thrill of receiving an Easter basket never seems to go out of style even when the kids are grown.  My daughter, Andrea still looks forward to finding her Easter basket brimming with goodies.  I still have her original basket that we have used all these years.  This will be the first year however that she will be sharing it with our son-in-law.  I’m sure he won’t mind that it looks a little girly as long as it is loaded with his favorite treats and a gift card or two.

If this puts a smile on their faces then all that running around looking for cola gummies will be worth it. Of course I couldn’t forget the chocolate bunnies.  Chocolate is a cherished commodity in this house hold.

Andrea still remembers the year her dad, David ate her chocolate Easter bunny.  It was a few days after Easter when he found it in the pantry and figured, if it was on the shelf, it was fair game.  The first mistake was eating the bunny without permission.  The second mistake was not disposing of the evidence.  When she saw the wrapper on the table she burst out in tears.  Ever since then, she annually reminds her dad of “the incident”.


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