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Meet Angus

Angus the first day

Meet wee Angus, a Soft Coated Wheaten Terrier just like Sandy.  He loves being part of our pack, but I’m not so sure the rest of the pack loves him, not yet anyway.

Angus found a stick

Look at that handsome stance

Dottie the sideline rufferee

By the hostile look in Dottie’s eyes, she truly thinks getting a puppy is absurd. The old girl does not like to be challenged, especially when there is napping on her schedule.

Sandy’s imploring nudges keep asking, “what did I do to deserve such punishment?” To her, Angus is a fuzzy ball with a piranha grip! Sandy will be very happy when his obsession with her nose and beard fades.

Sandy and Angus playing tag

Sandy hiding from Angus

Angus on the prowl.

Personally, I think it’s wonderful to have a puppy. It’s like having someone new to blame everything on.  Who tracked in grass and dirt? Angus. Who hid my shoes? Angus. Why did I not have time to cook dinner? Angus.  Who forgot to take out the trash? Nope that was the husband! HaHa

A blur of fur

Putting on the brakes

Deciding on a name was very important.  Angus means exceptionally strong or superior strength. I predict he will grown into his name and be a fine Angus, and like most Wheatens, he will be gentle and sweet. Right now the sweetness is only evident when he is sleeping.

Asleep finally!



Michelle  ||  Thistle Key Lane

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