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Simple Botanical Watercolors

Today I’m sharing what I’ve been up to lately with my simple botanical watercolors. I’ve had a lot of interest in my artwork lately which is very encouraging. It all started a few months ago with a request to create a logo for someone who’s starting a new business. Then I had a request from a new friend for a peach botanical and now I’m painting almost everyday.

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I can’t even begin to describe how happy and maybe a little anxious this make me feel. I recently described my apprehension to a friend, and she said no matter what, you should just paint for yourself. That was the best advise. Don’t try to paint what you think someone else will like, instead paint what makes you happy.

Well right now botanicals are making me happy. The inspiration for my current watercolors are from Scotland travel photos. I may not be able to travel for a while, but I’m reliving those great memories through painting.

What’s My Style

I’m really not sure how to describe my style, however a professor in my one and only college art class described it as childlike. It’s as if I’m hovering out there somewhere between trying to be technical, and not taking art too seriously. Sounds ridiculous I know, but maybe that’s normal for someone like me with little or no formal training.

So my message if you will, is to create what makes you happy. If you try to second guess what you think someone else wants to see, it’s not going to be from the heart.

You may not be aware but I have a storefront on Society6. Over the weekend I cleaned house of most of my first watercolors and freshened up the space with six new botanicals.



Six Simple Botanical Watercolors

So far I have a thistle (no surprise there), bluebells, pink heather, pink foxglove, purple oxalis, and lily of the valley. These are meant to be a bit witty, light hearted and a cheerful way to brighten a spot on a shelf.

The purple oxalis is currently growing in our garden so as you can imagine I’m enjoying having the real thing to study and paint. If all goes well this growing season, I might be able to capture some of the other botanicals in our garden.

On a side note, I’m giving you a peek of my studio table and some of my supplies that I enjoy using. I must admit the creative clutter gets a little out of hand at times. Although I did manage to clear a little area for a watercolor photo shoot.

I find it so interesting to see the creative spaces of other artist and the type of supplies they prefer. Mine are rather limited with brushes stuck in a tea tin, pens in glasses and an art eraser in a mint tin. Pretty fancy I know! 😉

The newest watercolor paints to my collection are from Winsor & Newton, which I highly recommend and I’m including links for those interested. I’m also trying out mixed media paper and like this little 6X8 pad.


For more watercolor ideas see my posts Book Page Bird Garland and How To Make Book Page Botanical Art.


©2020 Simple Botanical Watercolors post first appeared on Thistle Key Lane™.


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